Mini Sessions

Starting AT $200

These are sessions available anytime.
Throughout the Year, I will have sets that we can use also.

If you are looking for a 20 Minute session throughout the Year,
this is it!

Includes - Unlimited Photos from your Session
*A Few Location Choices*

Ready to Book a Session?


Do you shoot weddings?

A. Yes! But I am 1 person, so as a 1 camera photographer I would love to know all the details to make sure I am what you are looking for!!

Can I extend the session on the day of?

A. Yes! Feel like the 30 minute session just isn't enough because the Kiddos are getting into it and rocking the session!? We can add time as long as there is not a session RIGHT after you. In most cases, I leave time to wiggle :)

Do I have to order prints through you?

A. NOPE!! I give you a PASSWORD protected Gallery of your Unlimited Photos from which you download on your own time, and Print when and from wherever you choose!